Live Streaming Information Page
DojoMats's Facebook page has often posted about our progress developing an unmanned basic live streaming system.
We are not a professional streaming company. As a Judoka of 20 years, we want the best to promote Judo in the local community. If someone else can do it better, choose them. If there's no one else better.... we've got the successful completion of a few International Open's around Australia
What we can currently offer is covered here.

Pricing will be based on our availability for technical support, in addition to travel and accommodation
Live streaming can be done anywhere in Australia and New Zealand, where there is a good network connection
Remote areas might be geographically impossible to provide a stable stream
It is wiser to have your own LAN/Wifi connection (usually) offered by the stadium. If you decide to choose your own network, Dojomats will not be held responsible for any network outages. Be sure it has a minimum upload speed of 20Mbps, and other open port requirements
Recordings of the tournament will be kept by Dojomats and kept unlisted, but can be requested
It is more cost effective to be an early supporter by requesting a quote, and we'll do your next tournament with a free upgrade
The Benefits Of Having a Live Stream For Your Event:
Instantly allow relatives/friends to gain interest in Judo by looking up the stream, to support and cheer for their loved ones without being physically at the location
Clear the floor space so no push/shoving of parents wanting to film their child competing - relax knowing there is a recording in place they can look up later
- Offer potential gold sponsors the opportunity to showcase their brand to audiences related to the Judo community
- International visitors can share their fights with friends in a later timezone
Click here to view any live stream currently running